Fearlessly Courageous
Desk of Dennis Piller
7 11 2024

Audio Version

No number in history is filled with more mystery and intrigue and almost everyone has heard about 666 or the mark of the beast.  Even non Christians seem to avoid this number. Is it symbolic or is it literal? We know that when the antichrist is revealed, the mark – 666 – is not far behind. And we know with its appearance, people who were not taken in the rapture will have a second chance and  
will face the greatest decision in their life.

Some like to think that the holocaust represented the last time a Mark or tatoo will be used for identification before the Jews were sent to the gas chambers. But it’s not. Satan plans to use another mark during the tribulation, the mark of the beast. The decision that each person will make will be one for eternity.  Revelations 13:16–18 is the biblical entry point for any discussion of the mark of the beast. 

“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

It’s interesting to note that the mark of the beast is not implemented personally by the antichrist. The mark is initiated by his henchman, or propaganda minister described as “the beast coming up out of the Earth”. Revelation 13:11 says he is later identified as the “False prophet”  Rev 16:13, 19:20.

The false prophet is the antichrist’s religious leader, and has the power to counterfeit the miracles of God according to Revelation 13:13

As Revelation tells us in 13:12 “he exercises all the authority of the first beast”. And where does the first beast, the antichrist, get his power? Vs 2  The Dragon, Satan, gave him his power, his throne, and great authority. Satan himself instigates all the terrible evil of the tribulation. With the antichrist and the false prophet acting as his diabolical agents. Satan is the ultimate energizing power behind it all. 

After securing worldwide worship of the antichrist, the false prophet capitalizes on this success with a hostile takeover of the world’s economic system. No one is allowed to participate in any financial transaction without a license, tribulation trademark, or passport for commerce, which will take the form of a mark placed either on the right hand or forehead. There are no exceptions. Those who refused the Mark are barred from all buying and selling and much worse. .

As the word prophet indicates, the false prophet is a religious leader, the kind Jesus warned of in Matthew 7:15. He uses religion to deceive the world, and once deceived, he uses the mark of the beast to enslave all people economically, forcing them to endure the unrelenting tyranny of Satan and the antichrist. 

The moment the Mark 666 arrives is at the midpoint of the final, seven year tribulation. Satan’s desire to rule the world under the reign of one person has arrived. The mark is the final piece, the masterpiece, of the antichrists total control over every aspect of life on earth. Those who refuse the mark are shut out of society all together. No one buys their products or services. They are banned from employment and from shopping in any store or online… they face bankruptcy and starvation and even death. 

But the Bible is clear that Satan’s intent is not only to keep you from means of survival, but also to force you to a decision: For those who accepted Christ AFTER the Rapture… they Must declare if they will continue to stand for Christ, by refusing the mark, despite the hardship promised? Or will you succumb to the loyalty demands of Satan and take on the Mark to relieve that hardship? The choice is monumental and eternal. 

So why now am I pressing in on this uncomfortable topic?  The end of days!  Rapture.  Antichrist.  The false prophet.  The mark of the beast, 666?

1.  Because I try and listen to what the Holy Spirit is prompting me to read, study and write to you about. 2. Because I feel like the world is becoming more depraved, angry and absolute with their polarization that Jews, conservatives and Christians are hate mongers and every kind of phobic.  That free speech is for the other side…not us.  And what about our children and this next generation?.  Who will teach them?  Who will warn them…if not you and me?  


I realize the picture here is powerfully bleak if you leave out the final victory of Jesus the King of Kings.  The exorcist, the Omen, and similar horror films paint a graphic picture.  I watched them once as a young man.  Raised a Catholic all my life.  Catholic schools all my life…I wanted to become a priest… yet I never had a relationship with Jesus…Until…I saw the Exorcists with my girlfriend and was scared out of my complacency.  Petrified.  We rushed to her home at 12:30 in the morning, woke up her mom, Elva Tramentano, a strong Baptist and the next morning, I took a walk down a Baptist isle to receive Jesus Christ as Lord of my life.  I could never watch those movies again! NEVER! 

The urgent call to accept Jesus Christ is more relevant and urgent today than it has ever been.  
You cannot be like me as a young man.  I had all the facts.  
Jesus died for me.  Jesus was raised from the dead for me. But I didn’t really know him.  I didn’t have a real relationship with him.  I was like so many I see in church today.  I had so much knowledge but my heart was far from God.  Yes, I even served him as an altar boy, I gave some money,  I helped the priest and the needy, but I didn’t really know him or have a legitimate relationship with him.  
Enough to die for him as he died for me?  If somehow I missed the Rapture, could I NOT take the mark?  Could I tell my children, don’t take the mark.  Let them kill you!…  Come and follow me as we refuse the mark and choose Christ together.  Could I do that?  Would I?  The truth is we have a similar decision today and every day. You must accept him NOW.  Today…  It is not a casual calling.  Lip service will not take you to the gates of his kingdom.  You need to love him more than your children and spouse…more than your very life.  Do not allow your lukewarmness to lead you any longer.  You are as close to God right now as you want to be.  Die to the rest of yourself and offer yourself as a living sacrifice to Jesus today.  Let this be the day you refuse the Mark of the beast.

The forgiveness of sins and eternal life are a free gift from God.  Rom 6:23

Next:  Technology bitcoin chips AI  and rev 20:4 

Excepts are taken largely from After the Rapture by Dr David Jeremiah  Chapter 4