Fearlessly Courageous
Desk of Dennis Piller
1 29 2025

Audio Version

Make me and Mold me.  Do We Really Mean That?

What does that mean when you wake up and those are the thoughts and feelings
flowing from the intent of your heart? 
Does God just take over against our will? and fit us into this vice for his pleasure and purpose? 

Or do you imagine that we are this sculpture carefully designed, and intricately fashioned
to take this place of honor and prominence?

What does that mean to you? Make me and mold me.

  • Jeremiah 18:1-6: God is always molding people into a masterpiece, as long as they remain malleable. 
  • Isaiah 64:8: People are in God’s hands, and he can shape them however he wants. 
  • Romans 12:2: People should not be conformed to the world, but instead should be molded and shaped to think like God. 

Is God this strong-armed bully who does whatever he wants to get what he wants? 
Or does he craft these wonderful possibilities for us to choose from and carefully… surgically…
place them in our paths for us to choose?  

No, the inklings in my soul as I woke up… were the makings of a Psalm of surrender…
a sweet desire to relinquish control and offer up “the life of my day” to Jesus personally. 

I think it means that God is opening my eyes to see a vista of possibilities. Like awakening to a soft sunrise of reds and blues that make you just stop to taken in it’s beauty a little longer. 

Because even in the honesty of the truth… as I see it… I could never be that sunrise by my own design.  But God says I am… We are… Each of us are masterpieces of his making. To him “we are” that brilliant sunrise, that “blistering sunset” that takes ones breath away!  So that when the gem of a human is showcased, the world knows that only God can make such magnificence.  Only God can make a tree or
“a newborn of anything”, and glorify him in the wake of our humility and surrender to ask… not forced, to be made in the image of the glory of the master himself.  Surrendering to his love, peace, forgiveness, understanding, joy, fruitfulness, grace and mercy. Surrendering to the the fabric of who He is. To wear the coat of many colors like Joseph did. 

Mold me and make me, is not the mantra of a tyrant, but the melody of a loving father as he lets us choose from this lavish banquet table of the fruit of his tree of life. 

It is indeed, a sweet offering, a sweet fragrance.

How sweet is the incense of a surrendered life?
Make me and mold me. It must certainly be a sacrifice of praise.

It is not so unlike the offering of Abraham of his son Isaac. (Submission) Whatever you ask of me, Lord,
“I trust” that it is for my good and your glory and it is indeed an honor to offer up who I am… how I think… what I believe… to a whole and just father. (Humbly yielding))

So like Abraham, and like Joseph, and like David… in all of my peculiarities, in all of my shortcomings, and in all of my corruptness, I offer up all that I am, the very air that I breathe, praying Father that you would take this simple and humble vessel and make it into something that would be worthy of just being in your presence even from a distance. (Yielding to God’s shaping process).

Lord, that “you might make me worthy” to even take the lowest position at your table.
The one that you promised and often prepared for me in the midst of my enemies. 23rd Psalm.
Because Lord, I know that it is only in your fashioning, only in your mercy and Grace that this is even possible. Thank you for opening my eyes for another day to see beyond myself
to something greater than I. Thank you for filling me with the desire to give back what you have given me. What a change I see in me…feel in me…by the presence of your Holy Spirit,
that you are the one making me and molding me into the true image of my Lord Jesus. 
One day at a time, one surrender at a time, one psalm at a time…sweet Jesus.

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