Fearlessly Courageous
Desk of Dennis Piller
1 27 2025
The Virus of Negative Thinking
Why is it when we have God’s support that we question whether He REALLY has our back or not? His word says so… AND He has proven himself time and time again.
He’s proven that God’s support is all the support that we need.
2nd Chronicles 16 – 9 says, “for the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen and support those whose hearts are fully committed to him”. Psalms 33 – 13 says, “for the Lord looks down and sees all mankind”. God is looking intently knowing all of our needs emotional, physical, and financial.
My question is, what basis do you have for worrying about your future needs?
I know we all have feelings and emotions but what is your basis for worry?
Wouldn’t you agree that the problem is, you’re looking at the problem?
You’re looking at the mountain and not the mountain mover. Why aren’t we saying, God if it’s too big for you, then just call me home? Because this is way too big for me?
Don’t we know that there are no computer errors, no mistakes, no misjudgments, because God knows all and he’s provided for it all, already?
So why do we disobey in our thinking and rebel? Or, why do we try and help God to get our so-called needs met? When he’s provided for all of our needs. Present and future?
What is your most pressing need today or in life? Emotional? Relationships? Financial? Let’s get specific and let’s get real. List it. Do you feel helpless doing anything about it? What will you do? Will you rush to do something in your own frustration and confusion to try and manipulate the situation?
Why does it have to be complicated? It’s simple: Wait on the Lord, drop it at the altar. Matthew 6-33 says, “but seek first the kingdom of God and listen to his priorities”. He assumes full responsibility for all of our needs under his guidelines.
What is his kingdom?
The rule of God is written within us… In our hearts… When we live under his Lordship. Our position is to seek to know the will of God and follow it.
Here’s the question: Do you major in your needs being met? Or do you major in the kingdom of God? The answer is simple, seek the mind of Christ! Don’t focus on the needs.
I might not like His timing or who the answers come through, but He will provide what is best for us. If you focus on God and walk obediently, He will meet all of your needs.
Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6
Lord help me to let go. Help me surrender my thoughts and worries through prayer and believe your peace will overwhelm me. Help me to fall back into your arms and just know you are there. I am fed up with doing this my way. Fed up with the same old pitfalls and the same dead-end streets. Lord help me make the turn into trusting you beyond all else.
I read this prayer and thought it appropriate to share: Command your week in Prayer
FATHER, may we start this week knowing that life is only as good as our MINDSET. May we know that MINDSET is everything, and that our MIND is never a problem, but MINDSET is. May we know that our happiness depends on our MINDSET and our ATTITUDE. Success comes to those who have the MINDSET to embrace change. May we change our thinking to ATTRACT what we expect, REFLECT what we desire, BECOME who we respect, MIRROR what we admire. For what we feed our MIND, will lead our life. And may we know that once our MINDSET changes, everything on the outside will change along with it. Romans 12:2b (MSG) says, “Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without EVEN THINKING. Instead, fix your attention on God”. FATHER, may we know that ATTITUDE is a little thing that makes a big difference, and if we build a strong MINDSET, good results will follow. In Jesus name
Michael W Smith Help is on the Way
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