Fearlessly Courageous
Desk of Dennis Piller
1 22 2025

Audio Version
What Does it Take to Change What a Man Sees?

When you change the heart of a man, you change what he sees
When you change the heart of a man, you change what he hears,
you change what motivates him,
you change what he’s committed to.
When you change the heart of the man,
it’s like throwing kerosene on a fire and he just explodes in the passion
of what was revealed to him.
Nothing is too small or insignificant to escape his notice.
It is a Holy Spirit Insite that drives one to fill that need. Pick up that scrap.
Praise the smallest endeavor……. Encourage the smallest effort
The world calls it ownership, but it is so much more when the Holy Spirit has taken over a heart.
They have essentially been made over into the person with a servant’s heart.
What used to be an effort or a flat out…”I don’t feel like it!”… they take on this attentiveness…
they see needs that never really moved them before.

Born again was the beginning of a Christian’s new life, but sanctification grows until it becomes this blazing fire that is fueled by the spirit within. We get to this level, and it’s like a window of heaven opens up inside, and the breath of God enters, and we understand what Jesus said.
I can do NOTHING of Himself, but only what He sees the Father do. John 5:19
He is calling each of us to become that too!

The scales have been removed from eyes that always thought they could see. Act 9:18 says of Paul, “Immediately, something like scales fell from Saul’s eyes, and he could see again. He got up and was baptized”. It is a metaphor for a sudden realization or understanding of being freed from ignorance, prejudice, self-absorption, or just being too busy. It is a revelation of coming to a deeper truth or realization and understanding that I have been blind in this area…One sees what they never saw before even though it was right in front of them. The Light of the Holy Spirit broke through the darkness of our blindness, immaturity, and stubbornness…just add the part you see in you.

There is a sensitivity and intentionality that just spills out and overflows into the lives of others. Can you not see the change it made in Paul? We must all go there, or at least I pray that each of us finds our way there.
I have not arrived there, but I have had a glimpse of the glory of God. I have heard the quiet voices that said. “Tell them… disciple them, intercede and pray for them, so they can see the curtain I have pulled back for you. Teach them to be teachers and lovers of men like I have loved you.”

It is more than answering the call to lead a small group or religious activity or show up on a Sunday morning to greet or help volunteer at something. It’s about hearing what the Father says…seeing the need, anticipating what needs to be done, and starting to rally and inspire others to come run with you. Serve with you. Love God with you… and know the joy and strength of the Lord with you.
That is what I want for you… That is what I pray for you.
This is a new year … a new season to create a fresh and new landscape led by the Holy Spirit. But that requires a hunger that too many of us just don’t know or haven’t had for some time.

So how can I help you get there? In the privacy of your prayer closet, answer these questions honestly.

  1. How can I know God’s will for my life? Romans 12:2 – James 1:5
  2. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in my life? John 14:26
  3. How do you intend to grow spiritually this week, month, and year?
    2 Peter 3:18 – Colossians 3:16
  4. If you get time, I’d like you to read 1 Peter 4; 1 to 11- vs 8, which says to organize your life around what truly matters. Is your answer the same as your fruit? It urges us, “Above all, love each other deeply.”

    I want to help you today to slow down and take a step back to help you put things in a Godly order. To help you see that some of the things in your life have cluttered up your arteries and some of you are about to have a spiritual heart attack if you don’t make some changes.

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