Fearlessly Courageous
Desk of Dennis Piller
12 27 2024

Audio Version

What now?  It’s almost 2025.  Is it Business as usual?

Do you have plans for a New Year… New Me?
Remember this date…January 13th, 7pm EST

You might have cringed at your lack of achievement last year, and it’s even possible that you have lost a lot of your motivation. A study from the Statistic Brain Research Institute found that only 9% of Americans feel that they are successful in achieving their New Year’s resolutions! Is that you?

Often times people look at the New Year with anticipation.  Whew, can’t wait till Jan 1st.  Like its almost a phrase to help them escape from what was the current year.  It’s almost a prayer or a wish that things will be better and a chance for a Fresh Start.  A chance for renewal, perhaps putting some past mistakes or errors behind them. Some see it as an opportunity to set some new goals as they reflect on what they can do better in every area of their lives.

But sadly, by the time they have enjoyed the holidays, escaped all the festivities, and maybe gotten some rest, the New Year is upon them.  The craziness arrives, and the good intentions of setting some new goals and putting some shoe leather to some dreams and aspirations get squeezed out, and there just isn’t any room at the inn.  The rat race draws in another victim who seems unable to set some boundaries for themselves and MAKE the time necessary to do some praying and planning.

I am looking in the mirror as I am speaking to you.  We need to seriously make some time to close out this past year.  We have some things emotionally, relationally, financially, and spiritually that we need to tie off and bring closure to. 

On January 13th at 7 pm EST  I am hosting a New Year…New You, kick off to help you create
a new, vibrant, and exciting New Year.





Proverbs 19:21 “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails”.

Is 14: 26-27 “This is the plan determined for the whole world; this is the hand stretched out over all nations. 27 For the LORD Almighty has purposed, and who can thwart him? His hand is stretched out, and who can turn it back?”

Closing out the past before moving forward into the future is critical.  You do not want unfinished or unresolved business in any area to distract or derail a New Year and a New You. You need to spend some time in prayer and write down next to each one of these 8 questions what you need to resolve…what you need to commit to changing, what you need to repent for, apologize for, and do what you can to bring closure in a Godly way and then leave the rest to God.  Honestly, if you are not sharing this with an accountability partner or person, chances are it won’t get done.  It’s like having a workout partner, without them, we seem to lose our zeal to get to the gym. 

  1. What failures, disappointments, or broken promises do you have?
  2. What resentments do you have?  (Resentments are anywhere you are making someone or something, other than yourself, wrong for what did or did not happen.) Are you willing to give up those resentments? If not, what else do you need to say to be complete with that?
  3. What regrets do you have? (Regrets are anywhere you are making yourself wrong for what you did or did not do.) Are you willing to give up those regrets? If not, what else do you need to say to be complete with that? Romans 8:1 reads, “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus”. 
  4. What accomplishments or breakthroughs did you have?
  5. What did you learn or discover this past year?
  6. What would you like to be acknowledged for this past year?
  7. Who would you like to acknowledge and for what?
  8. Is there anything else you’d like to say to be complete with last year?
    Next week we are going to look at creating a new and
    exciting New Year…Together!

Accountability is the key to the success that you seek, and few…very few people have that.  I quote:  “I just don’t have someone I can really trust…or seek advice from”…for others, they are just too proud to confide in someone at this level.  I understand the dilemma…  Trust…humility, pride, vulnerability, and relationships.  That’s a tall order when you consider you really would like to have all of those in this person you would entrust your private dreams and challenges with.  I get it.  This is an oversimplification, but isn’t that like having all the lights on green before you head out for work in the morning?  

I understand that too many of you do not have that person or persons.  So that leaves you off the hook, right?  Nice try…but no cigar.  Our failure to establish that kind of biblical relationship speaks immediately to our lack of setting boundaries.  Not carving out enough time to foster those type of relationships and necessary spiritual life savers in our lives.

Many of you, or perhaps most of you who have been reading me for the past 5 years, have been a part of a small group and have some Christian friends or at least acquaintances you are familiar with.  It is time to reach out.  If you don’t have anyone, I will help you find one or sit in myself until you do.

Would you allow me to help you change your perspective beyond the predictability of:  We do this every year!.  Yeah, I know we do this at work!  Ho Hum..

Look, Jesus told us one of the greatest adventures is one of the present moments.  Right?

The miracle of the now. What is it that you can create?  Step forward into?. ..Or step off the cliff to experience the updraft?   Only the inspired and courageous with a willingness to fail, knowing it isn’t final, but just a stepping stone into the possible and unimaginable.

People who aspire to be present…need to give up their ego for a heavenly prize. To tap into the music and purpose and goodness and love of the greatest creator of all time.

The psalms about him are cinematic creations of forgiveness, hope, and purpose far beyond the fathomable. We are blessed to be able to see a piece he made just for us and find our joy in it and, ultimately, in him. But we must seek him for it!  Let’s make this happen together.

Remember this date…January 13th, 7 pm EST via Zoom online.  Invite a friend.  Come with your spouse, son, or daughter.  Pray about this, and let’s create something to bless our Lord and bless our family together. Let me know if your coming.

On Monday, the 30th, we will look at how to Create a New Year and look at  5 Spiritual Questions for you to consider in the months ahead.

Jan 1th, we will examine Spiritual Goals 6 through 10.

Jan. 3rd, we will close our 2024 and tie up last year’s loose ends.

Jan 6th, 8th, and 10th We’ll discuss your final assignments to be ready for our January 13th Kick-Off at 7pm online.  

I would like to know who is interested in coming.  I want you to answer the areas above regarding closing out this last year and then make a partial list of things you would like to accomplish in the New Year as a head start.  Please work on stretching yourself.  I look forward to hearing from you.

If you would like to pass this lesson and future devotions to someone, send them this Signup link: http://eepurl.com/gKlklD   
My website to view past devotions is  https://fearlesslycourageous.com

.Questions 1-8 were taken from Jonathan Clarks – Coriolis Consulting Group.

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