Fearlessly Courageous
Desk of Dennis Piller
4 3 2024

Audio Version

Pastor Mike Moore delivered a hard word to our men’s Courageous group.
I would like to break down what I took from his message personally.

In 1 Sam 2 you read about Eli who was the next to the last Israelite judge. He was not only a judge but he was also the high priest. Eli was in prime position to influence the entire nation to follow God. However, though Eli was personally good, he failed as a leader – first as a father and then as a judge.

It tells a story of what not to do as the spiritual leader of your home. This chapter lays out what God expects of us and our families. Eli’s son s served in the temple but were clearly “did not know the Lord”. How many are there in churches today who go to church, lead their families but do not really know the Lord. I could say it another way. They do not serve the Lord. They predominately do what pleases them. They are conformed to the ways of the world. Many are not bad people, they may not be committing adultery or be involved with private porn or deal with anger or profanity issues, and they know Jesus is God but they do not serve him. And the little things they do in moderation, their children do in excess.
They come home after a long day and they are honesty spent. They have nothing left. So they watch TV to unwind or head to the gaming computer. Honestly what’s wrong with that? They’ve earned some time for them. So what’s wrong with the overall picture?
Lets look again at Eli’s story with his two sons. They were disrespecting their father and God. Eli had called them out for their hypocrisies and blasphemous ways but he didn’t follow up on them. There was no accountability. His sons did not repent or change their ways. Honestly, Eli put his children before the Lord himself.

I know a few families whose children rule the roost. Life is all about them. Soccer every weekend, in different cities. There is no room for church or a christian community… it is school, work and weekends. (Exhausting) I think its important to support our children in what they do. But not to the point that it changes the fabric of the family. Three out of four weeks on the road without church, bible studies, and a christian community for us as parents and for our children is a recipe for disaster.

Eli was a man of God, truly…but he was not a good leader. He was not a good father. I see that in so many households today. We are too busy and too tired to raise them in the fear and the admonition of the Lord. And it is a primary responsibility as a christian parent. So we leave their moral upbringing to the teachers at school, or to the Sunday school teacher. We may even be one of those families where church is a priority and community is made time for. But we failed to demonstrate a relationship with Jesus not just an obedient path to attending church. Honestly, if that’s all you do it isn’t enough. And what we do in moderation our children, our neighbors, or co workers do in excess. Are you that person who leads by example? Do people look to you for wisdom, peace and calm in the storm?

Is it Godly wisdom or just the wisdom of experience? (There’s a big difference.)

God warned Eli. Eli chastised his sons but did not hold them accountable.
Who is holding you accountable to be the spiritual leader in your home?

1 Sam 2: 29 says “Why then do you scorn my sacrifices and my offerings that I commanded for my dwelling, and honor your sons above me by fattening yourselves on the choicest parts of every offering of my people Israel?”

This isn’t just about serving in the temple. How does that relate in the way we govern our homes, marriages and the images we leave in the work place? We fatten ourselves on the pleasures that we feel we deserve. We fail to hold ourselves or our families accountable to the ways of God. Honoring him.

So many of us men work 50 – 60- 70 hrs a week and have nothing left when they come home. They leave it to their spouses, schools and church’s to instill character and morals into their kids.

The truth is we have given up and forfeited our spiritual headship of our families. I understand there may be seasons when we are forced to burn the midnight oils but we must come to a place to set Godly boundaries so we can still be a Dad or Mom and spouse and not offer up a shell of who you were. What happened to trusting God to find a position that will not own you and all your energy. Do you have faith to live by faith that God is bigger than your needs, so you can be the spiritual head of your family.

Whether we still have children at home or our kids who are now in college or grown we still have a responsibility of being that light on the hills for them. We are still influencers in every way to them and everyone in our sphere of influence. God holds each of us responsible.

Eli mentored Samuel, his eventual replacement. He was the young prophet who delivered to Eli that the three of them would die and God would raise for himself a faithful priest. (vs33)

Through Samuel God teaches us that those who will listen and respond in obedience will hear the voice of God. We also see that God’s messages, though they come from his heart of love, sometimes are very stern in the example here of Eli and his two sons. I pray you can see that these lessons are relevant to us today as well.

The book of Samual should teach us: (1) purity; (2) trust; (3) dependence on God; (4) self-sacrifice; (5) faith; (6) obedience; and (7) thankfulness.

We are the temple of the Holy Spirit. We must be intentional in our growth in God. Faith comes by hearing the word of God. What we do in moderation…those who are watching will do in excess. I want them to look on my life see what I bring to God’s altar and be inspired to offer up more.