Fearlessly Courageous
Desk of Dennis Piller
2 28 2025

Audio Version

“LORD, Make a Way: The Faith to Trust in His Timing”

What mountains are you facing right now? What’s making you feel overwhelmed, pushing you to the edge? And what is God saying to you in this battle? He is speaking, always. The question is: are you truly listening?

From personal experience, I know how easy it is to become accustomed to pain, hurt, and setbacks. We become used to things going wrong, not because we like them, but because we grow weary. We can even forget what it’s like to fully embrace God’s call in those moments. We might feel justified in thinking, “I deserve to feel downcast. I’m all alone in this.” But whose mindset does Paul encourage us to adopt?

Jesus said, “You have not because you ask not.” But I hear the questions: “Why hasn’t He healed my cancer?” “Why didn’t I get the job?” “Why hasn’t my house sold?” “Why isn’t my marriage fixed?” So where is He?

Paul’s prayer in 1 Thessalonians 3:11–13 is a powerful reminder:

“Now may our God and Father Himself, and our Lord Jesus, direct our way to you, and may the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all, as we do for you, so that He may establish your hearts blameless in holiness before our God and Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all His saints.”

Do you hear the prayer? Paul is asking that God’s way be directed toward these believers so that they might stand strong, blameless, and holy, even amid their struggles. Their challenges weren’t removed, but they were strengthened to endure, to love, and to persevere.

How often have I heard that still, small voice asking, “What would you have me learn from this?” instead of thinking, “What good can come from this?” I know from experience that when I stop making my situation all about me and focus on God, “I change”. My thoughts, my fears, my anxieties—everything shifts. And isn’t that the essence of this passage and so many others? We must stop thinking of God as a slot machine to fulfill our desires and start seeing Him as the Potter who shapes us.

So, I ask you: What is your prayer to God today? Is it, “Lord, give me…”? Or “Lord, deliver me…?” Often, the first word in our prayer is the one we overlook: “LORD”. Can we pause and consider that word before anything else?

I read a powerful quote today: “Beloved, what you are looking for will determine what you are living for. Are you living for time or for eternity?”

When we say “LORD”, we should be acknowledging the very reason we exist. My purpose on earth should be wrapped up in this simple but profound word. How can I forget that He is the Potter, and I am His clay?

If all things truly work together for the good of those who love the Lord, (Rom 8:28) then what comes after the word “LORD” in my prayer? Paul’s prayer wasn’t about asking for personal gain; it was about asking God to make a way where there was no way. He was praying for others to be strengthened in their faith, to be made holy, and to love one another.

These 2 apostles didn’t have much. They may have only had enough food for a few days, but they trusted God to provide. And Paul wasn’t relying on his own power to make this happen. He was asking for a supernatural intervention—Lord, make a way.

When Paul prayed, “LORD”, he meant it. He gave over the outcome to Jesus. He recognized that he had no control, no ownership of the situation. He was simply depending on God. Whatever the outcome, he trusted that God’s way would be okay. This is how we can walk in peace, believing that God’s plan, whatever it may be, is perfect.

When we pray, let “LORD” be the filter for every word that follows. As much as we may want to make it about us, it’s never really about us. We must lay it at the altar of Grace, knowing that God is already making a way to you today.

But then the thoughts rush in: “I know what to do here. I’m not being arrogant, but I don’t need God right now. I just need a break.”

It reminds me of a story about a young man who purchased a new lawnmower. The instructions said, “Mix gas.” He wasn’t sure what that meant, but instead of asking a mechanic friend, he decided he could figure it out himself. He shook up the gas really well, poured it in, and the mower started right up. Proud of his success, he mowed the lawn. But soon, the mower began to smoke, and then it stopped altogether. When his friend arrived, he gave him a harsh lesson: “Mixed gas means you have to mix it with special oil!” He had ruined his brand-new mower.

How often have I, in my youth and even now, thought I knew better than God? I relied on my logic, intuition, and reasoning to guide my Christian walk, only to find myself shipwrecked time and again. So many young Christians and seekers fall into the trap of thinking sanctification will happen through their own intellect, but it doesn’t. Each time, I ended up back on my knees, in God’s Word, through prayer, patience, and obedience.

Paul prayed for the believers to be established in holiness. Holiness can never come through human logic—it must come from God. In verse 13, Paul says, “That He may establish your hearts without blame in holiness.” Did you know that the word “holiness” is synonymous with sanctification—being set apart for God’s purpose?

Like it or not, God uses the circumstances in our lives to smooth out the rough edges, to sharpen us like iron sharpens iron. And as the Potter, He has complete control over shaping us into vessels for His use. Some vessels are for honor, others for different purposes—but all are molded by His hand.

So, when you pray “LORD”, sometimes it’s enough to pause there, to simply wait and listen. You might not be familiar with His small quiet voice yet, and He may not be used to hearing yours, but you can change that today with one word: “LORD”.

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