Fearlessly Courageous
Desk of Dennis Piller
5 10 2024

Audio Version

There are so many battlegrounds, but I believe other born-again congregations in our cities are not our enemies. We must learn to war against illusions and strife, the fears and jealousies that are sent from hell to divide us, both in our church and our government.  If Jesus is eternally praying for our oneness (see John 17:20-23) then we must recognize that Satan is continually fighting to divide us. The Devil knows that when we become one with Christ, and through him, one with each other, it is only a matter of time before this Jesus – built church will destroy the empire of hell. 
I know it’s true, to be prepared for greater victories, we need a greater revelation of Jesus Christ. The holy warrior dressed for battle as we see him in revelations. 

Joshua 5:13 came about when Joshua was by Jericho, he lifted up his eyes and behold, a man was standing opposite him with his sword drawn in his hand, and Joshua went to him and said,
“are you for us or for our adversaries,”

Truthfully there have been times that many of us have asked God the same question. But let me reassure you, God is for you. In fact, it is his expressed purpose to release the same sword of the spirit, which is the word of God, (see Eph 6:17) , through your words and prayers.

But before the Lords sword will come through your mouth,
it must first pass through your heart.

But too many of us are reluctantly in training. We must become realistic about our current state, most of us have been pampered and undisciplined. We have not understood the urgency of the day of warfare that looms before us. 

Looking again at Joshua, truly he had already known the Lord in a wonderful, intimate way in the wilderness tabernacle. But here in Joshua 5:13 was a new revelation of the Lord. The son of God himself had come as “Captain of the Host” to lead his people into war. But Joshua and the people were more prepared than they realized. Their time in the wilderness had conditioned them for war. In todays world we are not.
Likewise, the wilderness for you has not been a time of punishment
but a season of preparation and of learning obedience.

We have all watched in fear at the decline and spiritual death of church leaders who repeatedly disobeyed the Lord. But you have not stumbled over their disobedience; you have learned from it.
Today, you walk in fear of God and are not blinded by the sin of presumption.

Before Jesus returns, those who have passed the wilderness test must receive another revelation:
Christ will be revealed to them as “Captain of the Host” and they will be ready to follow the Lamb wherever he goes. Joshua 5:14–15 and Joshua fell on his face to the earth, bowed down, and said to him, what is my Lord saying to his servant? The Captain of the Lord’s Host said to Joshua;

“remove your sandals from your feet,
for the place where you are standing is Holy”.

The promise of the Lord is that he will go forth like a warrior, he will raise a war cry. He will prevail against his enemies Isaiah 42:13

Within the ranks of the remnant of believers, of the advancing church, Jesus is raising a war cry. Can you hear his shout? There is a new authority being raised up, a new generation whose voice thunders with the very cry of prophetic prayer. Indeed, the gates of hell shall not stand against the church Jesus is building (see Matthew 16:18) the hour has come for us to grow in all aspects into Him, who is our head, even Christ, the warrior king (see Ephesians 4:15).

Again I would ask you. Do you hear the call? And what will you do? 

I know this next statement will make you uncomfortable. 
I’d like to hear your prayerful thoughts.
If we are not accountable for our commitments, to someone, 
they become nothing but a wish list.

Jaci Velasquez  On My Knees

Taken from “The Three Battlegrounds” Francis Frangipane