Fearlessly Courageous
Desk of Dennis Piller
5 8 2024

Audio Version

We do not know what we ought to pray…Now What?

The prayers of the righteous availeth much. James 5;16  Availeth, or to avail, means to use or take advantage of an opportunity. It could also mean when we choose to do good things in order to bring about good benefits. I don’t take that to mean just holy things.  I believe God is very practical and has laid out guidelines for us to live by and navigate for our profit and well being. 
He knows that we have practical needs and responsibilities.   

I was watching an old western movie, and the white man was riding into a Comanche stronghold with the hope of speaking about peace.  There was no guarantee he would leave alive.  He said he had never been so scared, and I found myself speaking in tongues…speaking in my heavenly language under my breath.  It just happened.  I saw an image of a man in harms way and I just started to pray.  I think that is part of what it means to pray unceasingly.  Throughout the day, during the work that we do, I can just start to pray in the spirit.  Often, I don’t even know what I am praying for…except I know I am asking God into some situation, somewhere, and the Holy Spirit is directing my prayers for an unknown situation. I believe the same things happen to all of us throughout our lives as the Holy Spirit uses other peoples’ prayers to build a hedge around us.  To protect us in the middle of a crisis.  We have no knowledge of these outside prayer warriors called to our defense…but they are there!   He said, the prayers of the righteous availeth much.  That doesn’t mean just for us and our needs.  God is sovereign and he is the director of the universe and our prayers.  Can you imagine him not knowing your needs and those of everyone?  Can’t he receive the prayers of his children and direct his attention where he desires.  Our prayers make us a part of that.  Our prayers unite us with God and with God’s Church.  There is both power and peace there.

Sometime and oftentimes, we don’t know how to pray.  You may have wondered how I know what to write about each week.  Oftentimes it is just like this.  I read a phrase or feel this leading out of nowhere and I write it down and like today, I just keep writing what’s in my spirit. 

That is one reason I believe so much in journaling.  I believe it is a proven way that God speaks to us.  When we journal, we put into words our feeling and thoughts trying to use God as our filter.  And in that process, I believe the Holy Spirit starts to talk to us in the words we pen.  I am careful not to stop to judge them at the time…I just keep writing.  You get in this flow…this peace…this confidence that God is with you.  If I have some question later whether it was God or me…
I can take it to someone more spiritual than myself and ask them to discern it with me. 

Romans 8:26-28  (ESV) Gives us a clear leading and insight into this phenomena.  “For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit,
because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God”.

Here is a different translation of Romans 8:26-28  “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spiritf himself intercedes for usg through wordless groans. 27 And he who searches our heartsh knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedesi for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.

28 And we know that in all things God works for the goodj of those who love him, whoi have been calledk according to his purpose.l

(I often scan multiple translations as a way for me to better understand what the Holy Spirit is trying to say to me.)

So how do we pray when we don’t know how to pray?

  1.  Pray the promises in Gods’ word over your situation.  His bible is filled with thousands of them.  Read them.  Pray them.  Believe God’s words.
  2. Pray Godly Principles.  Some things are not so obvious.  We can be so compromised at times when we pray.  Yes, we pray God’s words but other times pray God’s principles
  3. Pray in Faith believing.  Believing that God is able…  Don’t get that confused with if God Will.

Jesus posed a question to two blind men in Mark 9:28.  “Do you believe  I AM ABLE to do this?  He didn’t ask, “Do you believe I WILL do this.  Doesn’t that shift the basis of our thinking from what WE THINK we need healing for, to what we really need.  THE HEALER HIMSELF…JESUS

It is trusting that God is sovereign.  That he is more than able.  No one can stand in the way of his plans. It is trusting that God loves his children.  You and me.    It is trusting he knows and sees all things and IF he says NO it means his ways are infinitely higher than our ways and he will do what is best for his kids!

But he still wants us to ask to pray without ceasing.  Jesus himself cried out with complete truth to Father God in the Garden of Gethsemane, My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will. (Matthew 26: 39, emphasis mine).

Jesus showed us what it means to pray with passion and submission, with honesty and humility.  Praying in faith doesn’t take place in a vacuum but in a relationship of following Jesus.

Those two blind men didn’t approach Jesus as a fall-back option but as their only option. But God is so Good.  He said the faith the size of a mustard seed will do!   He says come to Abba Father. 

Author Elisabeth Elliot puts it: “Of one thing I am perfectly sure: God’s story never ends in ashes.”

If He doesn’t answer the way we believe that He ‘should,’ we can still rest because through praying in faith, we have discovered more of Who He is and found that He is always enough.
Act on those urges to Pray…He is guiding you.

Matt West  Don’t Stop Praying